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July 22, 2010

E-mail on LinkedIn from my address..

I apologize that I have spammed on many persons and lists with e-mail titled ‘Atsushi Shimono wants to connect on LinkedIn’.

Last night, I did some mistakes when I made a new account on the web service. First, I have made a filtered lists from my whole contact list, but I used the original one. Second, I missed the (hidden) upload form to register or upload contact lists from local storage (default is the input box for web-mail services), and used the input box for invitation.

So, if you received such e-mail, please just ignore it. Of cource, you can use if you want. :)

Comments Comments | Categories: en, personal | Autor: himorin

July 16, 2010

Bugzilla -ja 3.7.2 リリースのお知らせ

前回 (3.7.1; 日本語版はリリースしておりません) で発見された深刻なセキュリティー問題を修正した新しい開発版スナップショット (3.7.2) をリリースしました。

Bugzilla 3.7.2 は、3.7.1に発見されたセキュリティー問題を修正し、いくつかの新機能の改善を行ったスナップショットです。これは非安定開発版リリースであることに注意してください。また、Bugzilla プロジェクトの QA テストを経ていませんので、実運用環境で利用することはお勧めしません。開発版リリースは、次期メジャーリリースで導入される新機能を試すためのものです。また、さまざまなユーザに試してもらうことで、バグ報告や機能に関するフィードバックを受け付けることを目的としていますので、この開発版にバグを発見された場合(や、何らかの新機能の動作に不満がある場合)には是非とも報告してください。


Bugzilla は以下からダウンロードできます: download

日本語版については、日本語テンプレートパックを以下からダウンロードできます: download (3.7.2 -ja archive)

なお、日本語版はlandfill (current trunk)で試していただけます。(注: -jaでの4.0ブランチ追随作業が完了後、landfill (4.0 branch)に変更になりますのでご注意ください。)


Bugzilla にバグを発見した場合、報告してください!方法についてを参照してください。

日本語でのバグ報告は、bugzilla@jpmoz までお願いします。


Bugzilla に関する、英語のメーリングリストや IRC もあります。もしくは、有償サポートを提供するコンサルタントも存在します。

  • 無償サポート:
  • 有償サポート:

日本語でのメーリングリストなどユーザ相互サポートの場は現在検討中です。IRC チャネル (utf-8)はご利用になれます。

Bugzilla とは

Bugzilla は、”欠陥追跡システム” や “問題追跡システム” です。欠陥追跡システムでは、開発者個人やグループが、製品に存在するバグを効率よく追跡することができます。通常の商用欠陥追跡システムでは費用がかか ります。Bugzilla は、”フリー” でありながら、そのような商用システムが持っていないような機能もあります。その結果、Bugzilla は全世界にわたる数千もの組織に利用されるようになり、もっともよく利用される欠陥追跡システムとして広く認知されています。

詳細は をご覧ください。

原文:  -Max Kanat-Alexander / Release Manager, Bugzilla Project
Comments Comments | Categories: Bugzilla, ja, mozilla | Autor: himorin

July 14, 2010

Traveler IQ

Someone informed me about “The Traveler IQ Challenge” game. Basically, this game prompts some name of cities or events with its country and asks where the one had taken or is placed over the world map. It is not so difficult that the country name follows after each event’s or city’s name (of cource, under my high score of level 6).

In each level, we should point for some categorized questions, such as capitals or cities etc. And for each question, we get points based on the distance between the one’s actual place and the pointed place, as well as a times taken to answer.

I have done this twice, but I could not go after level 6..

my high score

Comments Comments | Categories: en, personal | Autor: himorin

July 13, 2010

OSC 2010 Kansai@Kyoto無事に終了しました

OSC 2010 Kansai@Kyoto は出展や来場していただきましたみなさまのおかげもありまして、さまざまなセミナーや展示が非常に盛り上がった4年目の京都でのOSCになりました。今年も1200名以上の来場者があり、残念ながら雨天のためビアガーデンでなく宴会場に変わってしまいましたが懇親会のほうもほぼ満員と大変盛り上がりました。大盛況の中、無事に開催を終えることができましたのは、ご協力いただきましたみなさま方のおかげです。



今後、夏の暑い季節に突入していきます。また、OSCも盛夏の定番となりました来月の名古屋、そして東京、沖縄と続いていきます。関西では、11月(5-6日)に大阪でkofが、来年春にはOSC 神戸が予定されております。ぜひとも、こちらの方でもみなさまにまたお会いできることを期待しております。


Comments Comments | Categories: ja, OSC | Autor: himorin

July 2, 2010

How can we reawake MDC? IV – Issues related on localization work

Remark: This is the last of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at

Requirements or Comments from the Localization Communities to Wiki System

To avoid the further community destruction, we want to list the requirements or comments to the wiki system of MDC. Of course, we hope we have another active localization community, which could be more activated or destructed..
As noticed in other parts of this proposal, most of these lists are purely REGRESSION from MediaWiki to DekiWiki. The basic culture of MDC were build upon MediaWiki, so many localization communities desire to use these features.

This is a list only reflects our issue, so we propose to make discussion among the localization communities for the desired requirements’ list with prioritized to build and enlarge localization communities.

Remarks: [global] means non-localization related, [l10n] means localization related, [community] means issues directly affects to the community building.

  • System is totally slow.
    • Server performance problem affects everything.
    • Community members stopped updating after failure to submit
  • [l10n] Lack of build-in language system, including inter-language link
    • This might be something kernel/core for the all issues on the language handling.
    • ‘language neutral’ is really harmful and troubleful for localization communities
  • [l10n] Lack of language-independent template system
    • Important for localization communities to build their own management
    • Also important for avoid mis-edition on templates (including garbage localized templates.)
  • [global, l10n] Major/Minor flag for each update
    • Major/Minor flag for the change is really important for localizations.
    • User can determine whether the change is catch-up for en or minor fix
  • [global, l10n] Flags for user category
    • ‘bot’ flag for bot-like auto-program is important to tracking
    • MDC Japan Project will NEVER re-build bot system without this
  • [l10n] Lack of inter-language revision matching database
    • Like SUMO dashboard
    • Hard to make patch from the localized revision to top of en
    • In MediaWiki era, MDC Japan Project provided some system covering this
  • [l10n] Hard to check on diff view mode between revisions
    • Especially, it is difficult to check link targets without some special comment in edit summary
  • [l10n] Useless language determination system
    • Two independent system: ‘directory in URL/path’ and ‘flag per page’
    • Interconnection between these two must maintained via hand.
  • [l10n] User page is mixed from every languages into one page
    • Localization communities used user pages to discuss only in their language
  • [global] Search by language is not fully working
    • Might not be fixed before implementation of language independent system
    • User pages are mixed language by language
    • Cannot reject language independent pages, such as templates or so
  • [global, l10n] No access ranking page by page
    • Hard to determine which page is important to translate
    • like the page in MediaWiki or SUMO dashboard
  • [l10n, community] Access or update counter for languages
    • MDC Japan Project provided useful graph from this data
    • We made localization community members to encourage translation or update
  • [global] Wiki syntax is totally different from other Mozilla sites
    • Cannot easily make diff to SUMO or others
    • Members of localization communities are sometimes in common
    • Many convert modules exist for MediaWiki syntax, including from HTML
  • [global] Wiki syntax is different from
    • Cannot migrate from directly via copy and paste
    • Project documents or technical documents are not transferred from to MDC, and finally they are not translated (Ubiquity used for l10n)
    • We cannot convert wiki-syntax text on the browser (text area) itself
  • [global] Many contributors want to use plain text (wiki syntax) but not GUI
    • Main targets of MDC is developers who like vi/emacs, but not users
    • Even wikipedia uses wiki syntax but not GUI :-P
  • [l10n] Redirects of un-translated or un-exist pages are useless
    • On MediaWiki, we can show some text via template system
  • [global, l10n] No feature of review requests
    • Technical review requests for en version (We had some page on MediaWiki?)
    • Translation review requests for l10n version (depends on the policy of each localization community)
    • Lack of communications are ill for localization community
  • [global] Upper/Lower cases are mixed in language directory
    • By means of indexing services, we must fix case (or make URL as URI)
    • Make harm for places database in Firefox
  • desirable extensions per localizations (in MDN etc)
    • SSO with SUMO/SUMOMO etc.
    • Local download feature (for offline documentation or search)

Other Memo

Other misc memos or notes from localization communities.

  • Template syntax of the current DekiWiki is not bad.
  • GUI editor itself is not so bad.
Comments Comments | Categories: en, mdc, mozilla | Autor: himorin

How can we reawake MDC? III – Proposal towards a Localization-aware MDC

Remark: This is third of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at


As some localization community members posted to dev-mdc newsgroup, the current Deki system has many and many system or feature regressions compared the past MediaWiki based system. Of course, we know that the Deki system was advertized as having some great features, such as a GUI interactive editor, or its highly customizable template system. But it seems clear that these features will NEVER been able to cover the regressions or the system difficulties. Only little localization contributor needed or did not want some of them especially for a GUI interactive editor.

So, we want to propose the following things to the heads or MDC-leads of the Mozilla Corporation.

1. Have more and more discussions with localization communities before any high-impact decision

Before the deki system change as well as for the switch over to the MDN, we only have heard the final decision from MoCo. For the MDN, the project page had ‘open’ on, but no official announces or discussions to/with the localization communities on such as dev-mdc newsgroup before such FINAL announcement.

For example, while we all agree that there were a few problems with MediaWiki related with the custom features, title-override and breadcrumbs. It should be widely known that many localization communities had argued against the switch to Deki, feeling in advance that it would only lead to more problems. (Remark: breadcrumbs’ feature had implemented to the MediaWiki after that.)

Also for MDN, to engage with the hacks, the AMO, the developer hub, we must make clear the issues related on localizations before every work. It is hard to catch-up or modify the built systems to be aware of the localization after the lunch, also each localization community would have their own sites on similar concepts to these which is better to be integrated to MDN.

2. Be aware of the localization communities

Many and many system requirements, most of whose are regressions, are proposed from the communities, but it seems that they are really not taken as seriously as they should be.

For example, the diff view is still not satisfactory more than two years after the switch.

3. Build a better wiki system

SUMO Project are now discussing to build their system from scratch — Kitsune, and we might be able to do some discussion with them for the MDC itself. Or we have another possibility — MediaWiki.

For this purpose, we have made a short list of issues related on localization work, and propose to make discussion among the localization communities for the desired requirements’ list to build and enlarge localization communities.

Co-Proponents or Co-sponsors of this proposal:

  • himorin – on behalf of MDC Japan Project
  • potappo – on behalf of MDC Japanese localization community
  • Benoit – on behalf of MDC French localization community
Comments Comments | Categories: en, mdc, mozilla | Autor: himorin

How can we reawake MDC? II – Current statistics of MDC

Remark: This is second of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at

Statistics of localization communities

We did some statistical analysis for MDC with using the crawled data of MDC Japan Project. Based data is not the same as the database of MDC itself, but the statistical results might be thought to have accidental error no more than one tenth.

General statistics

First, we can compare the content volumes in a form of pages’ count. We have many namespaces in MDC to separate their contents, but we can focus only on some of them in this statistics. So, I excluded some namespaces, such as template, user_talk and so on.


In this graph, vertical scale is shown as the full scale of English site. Almost all ‘user’ pages are categorized in ‘English’ language, but this is from a spec bug of deki that the system in default creates its user’s page even for spam accounts. So mostly these are for spam accounts.


The second graph is scaled without English site but localization sites maximized. We can say that most of the contents are belongs to ‘main’ namespace, and other namespaces including ‘main_talk’ or ‘user’ are minor and might not be used heavily by localization communities. So they might use other resources like e-mail lists, chat or forums in other sites for discussions on translated pages.

And we can call the localization languages with top 6 page counts as the ‘Most Edited Localization Languages’ – zh-cn, fr, ja, pl, es and ko.

Among the ‘main’ namespace, we can separate the pages into two categories – redirected pages and non-redirected pages.


Some redirected pages are created in the early time of devmo as link pages for outer resources, but most of all redirected pages are created by the Deki converter during the deki switch in 2008. We might define the difference between redirected and non-redirected page counts to be new created pages from 2008 to the current. (I don’t know why for -pl, but the non-redirected page count is a bit smaller than redirected page count in -pl.)

Pages updated in time ranges

Here, we would compare counts of updated pages in each time domain like 3 monthes periods.

pages-count-all (click to enlarge)

Here, graphs for all languages are shown. Blue vertical line shows the deki switch (the same for all following graphs). Updated pages in English wiki slightly decrease but even now there are high rate for updates. This might be mostly because that developers are forced to update MDC when added new features or modified behaviors of products, and also MoCo has document writting team for English MDC.

pages-count-langs (click to enlarge)

Here, graphs for non-english languages are shown. With this graph, it is CLEAR that counts of updates in localizaed wiki are really decreased even in a factor of 10 to 100. This is a serious situation for localization teams.

Users updated MDC in time ranges

users-count-all (click to enlarge)

users-count-langs (click to enlarge)

Here, two panels show users who updated the wiki page at least once for all- and non-English wikis. Count of contributors to English pages does not changed largely. Contributors for each localization community is about one tenth of English, and seems to be changed a little.

These graphs include casual contributors who fixed a minor typo or miss in the wiki, so we might focus on the most valuable contributors who updated the wiki frequently. So, we might call users with edits more than 50 updates (revisions but not pages) per 3 months period as a power editor. 50 updates per three months are not so large, as we can say it as 1 update per 2 days.

users-50-updates-all-g (click to enlarge)

users-50-updates-large (click to enlarge)

Here, two panels show for every languages and ‘Most Edited Localization Languages’. In most localization language communities, these power users seems to be stopped their actives on MDC.

Raw data in table format

You can also get raw data in table format.

Current status of each localization community

French team

The French localization community, which counted as much as three to five very active members and many occasional contributors just before the switch was also heavily disrupted. Most of these contributors just walked away and don’t want to hear about MDC anymore. Other communities like the long-standing XULfr haven’t been able to provide an alternative. Nowadays, localizing MDC is mostly seen as a joke to scare away willful new contributors, and few people are taking seriously the idea to start working at it again. We’re beginning to receive complaints from developers because most documentation pages are so out of date that they’d rather prefer to get the english content. Worse, the obsolete pages are not marked as such and developers have probably been misled about standards and what Gecko can do.

Japanese team

Japanese localization community for MDC had marked current MDC system using the DekiWiki as DEAD because of the hardness to translate or update the wiki contents. And also they announced to do some of their localization work not on MDC but their local community site — modest, such as localizing contents of the mozilla hacks site as well as some weekly or by-weekly newsletters like about:mozilla. Due to the problems of the current MDC including the serious performance problems, they are no longer able to force remaining contributors or the newbies to use or translate in MDC, and are hesitated to announce widely to earn new contributors. Of course, as well known in global MDC community, they did such translation projects first on MDC, but with a such serious decision, they switched all of them, which are not the contents of English MDC, to the other site.

Comments Comments | Categories: en, mdc, mozilla | Autor: himorin

How can we reawake MDC? I – Abstract

Remark: This is first one of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at

After the system change from the MediaWiki to the DekiWiki, many localization communities have some frustrations or irritations due to the un-usable wiki system. And also, some localization communities have disappeared or destructed after the wiki system change, which we were heavily aware on the last summit at Whistler.

We have got many comments related on MDC itself. Many (past) contributors do not want to hear about and neither contribute to MDC anymore, gecko or mozilla developers complained of the hardness to migrate documents from to MDC and also the uselessness of the wiki system, web developers got error pages frequently. Some web developer made a local version of MDC, localmdc. To remedy such situation, we have discussed what to do and also what we CAN do in each localization community. At the time we have noticed the mozilla summit will be held this summer, and started discussion among communities.

Here we present a series of proposal with four parts. In part 2 we show some results of statistical analyses on MDC and the current status of some localization communities. In part 3 we present our recommendations to MDC as three proposals. In part 4 we list issues related on localization work with the current wiki system.

Comments Comments | Categories: en, mdc, mozilla | Autor: himorin

June 27, 2010

Bugzilla (-ja) 3.6.1, 3.4.7 / Bugzilla 3.7.1, 3.2.7 リリース

Bugzilla プロジェクトは4つの新しいリリースを公開しました!開発版スナップショット (3.7.1)、二つの安定版リリース (3.6.1 と 3.4.7)、遺産的な 3.2 ブランチへの更新 (3.2.7) です。

Bugzilla-ja プロジェクト ( では安定板リリースである 3.6.1 と3.4.7 について日本語版テンプレートをリリースしました。開発版スナップショットである 3.7.1 については近日中に公開予定です。3.2 ブランチについてはすでにセキュリティー更新を含めて全てのサポートを終了しておりますので、ご利用の方は今すぐ 3.4 以降のバージョンにアップグレードしてください。

Bugzilla 3.6.1 は最新の安定板リリースです。3.6 ブランチにおける有用なバグ修正が含まれます。

Bugzilla 3.4.7 は 3.4 シリーズの最後のバグ修正リリースです。これ以降、3.4シリーズについてはセキュリティー上の問題が発見されたときのみ新規りリースが行われることになります。

Bugzilla 3.2.7 は 3.2 ブランチのセキュリティー更新版です。なお、3.2ブランチの日本語版は3.2.4を最後にサポートを終了しております。すでにアナウンスされているとおり、非常に重大なセキュリティー問題が複数発見されておりますので、今すぐ最新版へのアップグレードを行ってください。

Bugzilla 3.7.1 は Bugzilla 4.0 に向けた開発版の最初の非安定開発版リリースです。さまざまな新機能と UI の改良が含まれて居ます。しかしながら、このリリースでは、Bugzilla プロジェクトは一切のテストを行っていませんので、実運用環境での利用はお勧めしません。開発版リリースは、次期 Bugzilla メジャーリリースにおいてどのような機能が実装されたかについてのプレビューを行うためのものです。このリリースは試験目的であり、バグ報告や機能についてのフィードバックを収集するためのものです。もし、開発版にバグを発見された(もしくはいくつかの機能の動作に不満がある)場合、是非ともご連絡ください!


Bugzilla は以下からダウンロードできます: download

日本語版については、日本語テンプレートパックを以下からダウンロードできます: download



  • 3.6.1:
  • 3.4.7:
  • 3.2.7:

日本語版は、日本語版テンプレートの中に含まれます。ウェブページ形式のものは、landfill をご覧ください。

  • 3.6.1-ja:
  • 3.4.7-ja:

メジャーバージョン間のアップグレードを行う場合、リリースノートを読んでいただくことが重要です(3.2.x から 3.4 など)。あなたのバージョンから現在の最新版の間のすべての変更点のリストもあります。

Bugzilla 更新情報

Bugzilla プロジェクトからの最新ニュースや最新の開発版についての情報は、Bugzilla


Bugzilla にバグを発見した場合、報告してください!方法についてを参照してください。

日本語でのバグ報告は、bugzilla@jpmoz までお願いします。


Bugzilla に関する、英語のメーリングリストや IRC もあります。もしくは、有償サポートを提供するコンサルタントも存在します。

  • 無償サポート:
  • 有償サポート:

日本語でのメーリングリストなどユーザ相互サポートの場は現在検討中です。IRC チャネル (utf-8)はご利用になれます。

Bugzilla とは

Bugzilla は、”欠陥追跡システム” や “問題追跡システム” です。欠陥追跡システムでは、開発者個人やグループが、製品に存在するバグを効率よく追跡することができます。通常の商用欠陥追跡システムでは費用がかか ります。Bugzilla は、”フリー” でありながら、そのような商用システムが持っていないような機能もあります。その結果、Bugzilla は全世界にわたる数千もの組織に利用されるようになり、もっともよく利用される欠陥追跡システムとして広く認知されています。

詳細は をご覧ください。

原文:  -Max Kanat-Alexander / Release Manager, Bugzilla Project
Comments Comments | Categories: Bugzilla, ja, mozilla | Autor: himorin

June 13, 2010

OSC 2010 Kansai@Kyoto でのHTML5企画セミナーのご案内

ここ数年でAjaxなどによるHTML + JavaScriptを利用したリッチクライアントが急速に普及し、新しいアプリケーションのプラットフォームとして、近年ウェブの世界とそのベースとなるウェブブラウザが注目されています。またそのプラットフォームとなるブラウザにも、UI自体がJavaScriptで記述される拡張性に富んだFirefox、組み込み環境など多種多様な環境でも動作するOpera、WebKitをベースに画面ごとのプロセス分離などの高耐久性を備えたChromeなど、さまざまな種類が登場して、ユーザがさまざまな選択肢をもてるようになりました。また、Microsoftも今年のMIXカンファレンスにおいて、IE9の発表とともに”複数のブラウザで同じHTML、スクリプト、フォーマッティングマークアップが同じように動作するようにすることが目標”ということで、未搭載の機能への対応などを含めHTML5へコミットすることをあらためて強調しました。


今回、 “HTML5-WEST.JP”では、このHTML5を軸とした新しいウェブの世界を実感し、アプリケーションプラットフォームとしてのウェブを体験していただくために、企画セミナー第一弾としてOSC 2010 Kansai@Kyotoの中で3つのセミナーを開催いたします。

一つ目では、多種多様なHTML5とその周辺規格の中から、これぞと厳選された機能をデモを通じてご紹介し、そのうえで、ラスター画像を取り扱うHTML5 + JavaScript API規格であるCanvasや、HTML5を実際に活用する中で非常に重要と考えられているライブラリを題材に、HTML5を実際にどう活用するかを実演するライブコーディングを行います。




なお、OSC 2010 Kansai@Kyotoは参加費無料で、セミナー参加登録は必須ではありませんが、会場準備やセミナーでの配布物などの都合上、OSC 2010 Kansai@Kyotoのサイトからイベント参加登録とセミナー受講登録をなるべくしていただけますようお願いいたします。

Comments 1 Comment | Categories: ja, mozilla, OSC | Autor: himorin