December 17, 2008
First, I’ve wrote some source code, #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/triangular.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp> #include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp> // calc inverted-matrix ublas::matrix<double> mat_lu(lc_param); ublas::matrix<double> lc_conj; ublas::permutation_matrix<> lu_exc(lc_param.size1()); lc_conj = ublas::identity_matrix<double>(lc_param.size1()); ublas::lu_factorize(mat_lu, lu_exc); ublas::lu_substitute(mat_lu, lu_exc, lc_conj); and gcc 4.1.2 arises error, cc -Wall -Wextra -g -I./ -I../ -o hvltest.o -c /usr/include/boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp: In function ‘typename M::size_type boost::numeric::ublas::lu_factorize(M&, PM&) […]
September 23, 2008
As filed on bug 456376, the toolbar for editing form doesn’t appear to the screen after MDC/Deki 8.08 upgrade. And, it depends on the scrolling position of the screen. Immediate aftermath we click the edit bottun, we can get the toolbar, but after scrolling down to the bottom, it disappears. For the pages with a […]
August 26, 2008
I went to Gifu-Pref. to maintain our group (at univ) ‘s server. While we got some heavy rain on the highway, but it was somewhat clear sky at evening. :-)
August 8, 2008
Now, we’ve finished executing final ‘full’ upgrade of inter-language links in the current MDC site for ja, fr, pl, en, es and zh-tw. So from now, current bots of MDC Japan Project will be fulfilled or planned to upgrade as the followings. Document fetching/updating module (internal perl module) Currently, we have no plan to upgrade. […]
August 2, 2008
I’ve collected many mozillarians’ signature on the BIG summit board at around the hotel lobby and the YVR! For a larger size photo, please see this original size photo (4.6MB). If you have not, please come on to the Mozilla Airport Camp in the main food court between US and International Depature Gates!
June 18, 2008
Sorry for inconvinience, but our server * is at over-load now due to heavy access to Web pages. So, please be patient when accessing to our services, including Bugzilla-jp, mdc bots. — 申し訳ありませんが、現在のサーバはウェブページへのアクセスが非常に多く、サーバの動作が重くなっております。Bugzilla-jpやフォーラム、wikiへのアクセスに時間がかかることがあるかとは思いますが、ご理解・ご了承ください。
June 14, 2008
As commented on group, whose topic name was L10n migration, Mgjbot had stopped for a month. Among several bots for MDC hosted by the MDC Japan Project, most of them are on our primary server but only that bot is hosted on our secondary (backup) server. We modified our ldap directory hierarchy (for dc=mozilla,dc=gr,dc=jp) […]
May 18, 2008
After installing FF3 pre versions and creating many profiles, i finally got over 15 profiles in the C drive (in the Documents and Settings for my account) of my Windows PC.. One profile, which includes many extensions for testing, have over 50MB size. So i’ve dicided to move profiles from C drive, whose vacant area […]
April 9, 2008
As commented on my blog entry, i’ve made a custom debian package repository for Bugzilla 3.2 (3.1.3+). You can use packages with adding the following apt-line in your /etc/apt/sources.list. deb ./ If you get some error related on gpg key, please install mgj-keyring package (from the repository above), and exec the following line. apt-key […]
March 24, 2008
We’ve discussed about this internal for a while (related on bug-jp 5967), we’ve decided to switch the team leader of MDC Japanese Translation Team from me to potappo. He’ve worked for more than a year on the area of JavaScript documentations and about:mozilla newsletters (this is the private service of MDC Japanese Team, included in […]