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July 14, 2010

Traveler IQ

Someone informed me about “The Traveler IQ Challenge” game. Basically, this game prompts some name of cities or events with its country and asks where the one had taken or is placed over the world map. It is not so difficult that the country name follows after each event’s or city’s name (of cource, under […]

July 2, 2010

How can we reawake MDC? IV – Issues related on localization work

Remark: This is the last of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at Requirements or Comments from the Localization Communities to Wiki System To avoid the further community destruction, we want to list the requirements or comments to the […]


How can we reawake MDC? III – Proposal towards a Localization-aware MDC

Remark: This is third of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at Proposal As some localization community members posted to dev-mdc newsgroup, the current Deki system has many and many system or feature regressions compared the past MediaWiki based […]


How can we reawake MDC? II – Current statistics of MDC

Remark: This is second of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at Statistics of localization communities We did some statistical analysis for MDC with using the crawled data of MDC Japan Project. Based data is not the same as […]


How can we reawake MDC? I – Abstract

Remark: This is first one of four related posts. Please read others (I, II, III, IV) too. And please forward all comments and discussions to dev-mdc list at After the system change from the MediaWiki to the DekiWiki, many localization communities have some frustrations or irritations due to the un-usable wiki system. And also, […]

May 22, 2010

MDC Japan Project — We ARE BACK!

As posted to dev-mdc list, MDC Japan Project opens test site for new system. Two years ago,, MDC Japan Project had stopped all of our bot or web services soon because of the deki switch. We have got many comments and yelled at the death of services But the past service only works on MediaWiki, […]

January 8, 2010


I have submitted my PhD thesis paper, today. yay:-)

January 7, 2010


Accepted to PASJ at 1/5. Accepted: 2010/01/05 ; Iss: Vol.62, No.2 A Study of Three Dimensional Kinematics of the Narrow Line Region of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC4151 based on an Integral Field Spectroscopy Atsushi Shimono, Hajime Sugai, Atsushi Kawai, Kazuya Matsubayashi, Hiroshi Ohtani, Shinobu Ozaki, Takashi Hattori, and George Kosugi So, the next is PhD. […]

December 30, 2009


Done. (at 12/29) And preparing my thesis now.. We acknowledge the receipt of your manuscript re-submitted to our Journal. No.3670 “….” Received: 2009 October 13 Revised: 2009 December 29

July 3, 2009

Twitter in Astrophysics

In yesterday’s astro-ph, a note related on the twitter was posted. It’s nice :)
