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October 24, 2007

give me some more time :(

I’m now trying to upgrade/relocate servers (web, mail, etc..) of our lab, and finished to wake two servers up and relocate the web and mail. So, the next is the DNS, account servers, etc. And,,, i’ve found many (,, so, so many) bugs and problems on old configuration files during my work. What do you […]

August 19, 2007

I’m back

Now, back to Japan and Univ. I’ve worked hard in Hawai’i, but got heavy sun tan, heh :)

July 25, 2007

Now in Hawai’i

Now at Hilo/HI. Clear sky and clear sea!! Wooo. …. of cource, i’m working from morning to mid-night in the lab. :)

July 13, 2007

change parts

I found,,, that some parts which we are using with our current electric circuit were marked as EOL. lol Now, i’m trying to modify schematic with alternatives.

July 10, 2007

fixed schedule

* 7/14 : Okayama Astrophysical Observatory – New Telescope Meeting * 7/15-16 : Tokyo – Web Standard’s Day (CSS Nite) * 7/22-8/12 : Subaru Telescope, NAOJ, Hawai’i

July 4, 2007

Coordinating (official) trip to Hawai’i

I’m planning to go to hawai’i to do my univ work around 7/22 to 8/17. And now, write many mails to staffs who are working at subaru/hawaii. I’ll try to upgrade our astrophysical instrument for next observation in this trip. Currently, we have some drawbacks to do observation perfectly. We can do of cource, but […]

July 1, 2007

inter-language link bot status

on -ja, -es, -fr, bot seems working properly. on -en, bot continues failing with trying update Main Page.. failed to detect locked (protected) pages? on -pl, some undetected errors are occured? continues to retrieve documents over 24 hours..


Update board design for mirror grinding

One of our key technology innovation is to create mirror (M1 – first mirror to collect photon) surface with grinding. In this procedure, we must check surface geometry with desirable one, and correct error to below 50nm or so. Of cource we use optical (laser) interferometer to measure the grinding mirror surface, but we should […]

June 28, 2007

First test post

This is my first blog post..
