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June 17, 2009

Bugzilla Improvements

As updates for my previous post, Gerv and other bugzilla forks are now making a new wiki page ( to summarize discussions about the bmo improvement. The discussion is really meaningful and steadily for using and managing (or propagating the use of?) bug-tracking software, so I think it’s really worth reading. 先のポストからの更新ですが、Gervとその他Bugzillaの関係者(?)がmozilla wikiに改善案や議論のまとめ(を作成し始めています。 バグトラッキングソフトのあり方やプロジェクト内での活用方法に関して、有用な示唆がいくつもあるような気がしますので、BTSを運用したりユーザに浸透させようとしているような方は一度見てみるのもいいのではないでしょうか。 もちろん、現在のbmoについて、実際にこれから検討・実装されていく予定の機能などですので、今後のbmo […]

June 9, 2009

Memo for referers of this blog’s access

While checking this blog’s log, I’ve found some logs which has a referer from “google translate” (to translate my Japanese post to English :-D). As I’ve interested on that, I started to summarize the referers to this blog. (by executing SQLs..) Most seen referers were like this. 58.1% didn’t have 11.3% was spam comments search requests […]

May 14, 2009

How to make bugzilla documentation on Debian box

Note, this is only for my memo. Environment is Debian lenny. First, install the following packages. aptitude install docbook-dsssl docbook-xml jade jadetex libsp1c2 ldp-docbook-dsssl sgml-base sgml-data sgmlspl sp xml-core libsgmls-perl docbook-utils Down to the docs/ directory, and set system environment as the followings. setenv JADE_PUB /usr/share/xml/declaration/ setenv LDP_HOME /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/ldp/ Note: JADE_PUB is for xml.dcl, LDP_HOME […]

April 22, 2009

Bugzilla-ja test site for 3.4 branch and trunk

I’ve just opened Bugzilla-ja test site for 3.4 branch and trunk. For 3.2 branch, you can use both of the new URI and old URI.

April 4, 2009

Bugzilla-ja 3.4 branch open

I have much pleasure in introducing that now we have an open repository of Japanese templates for Bugzilla 3.4 branch. So, now our current maintainanced repositories are for 3.2, 3.4, and trunk (3.5). ‘trunk’ directories in these repositories are only for development and testing, so please do not use with‘s CVS head. (These are […]

March 18, 2009

Bugzilla-ja for 3.3 (trunk) released

I’ve just committed Bugzilla-ja 3.3 (trunk) version to the (public) repository. To test this trunk repository, please use with the codes in this repository but not with the’s. The trunk of this repository is upgraded periodically but not always. If you have some problem with templates in this repository, please file a bug to […]

February 7, 2009

Getting X’s windows from remote hosts on Cygwin/X

As previous, I think we can get remote X’s windows simply via ‘ssh -X’ or ‘ssh -Y’ with using ‘DISPLAY=localhost:xx.0’. But I cannot do so now. For this problem, I’ve first searched ‘xhost’ command, but cygwin returns ‘xhost: Command not found’. So, I’ve changed to other way with using pure xauth method. On cygwin terminal, […]

January 28, 2009

A happy new year.

Yeah, of cource, I know it’s already late for greetings, but it’s my first post in this year. So, I should say ‘Happy New Year’, first of all. Last year, I had many joyful occasions, such as I could finally meet with dria at the summit, released Japanese template for Bugzilla 3.2, etc., which couldn’t […]

December 27, 2008

Installing Bugzilla 3.2 on Windows Server

I’m now trying to install Bugzilla 3.2 on Windows 2003 (.Net) server. For bugzilla administrators, we provide an article at, but it seems slight old (bug 443451 or Bug 471249). This is a updates which i needed. First, I have to install another perl modules, and I could use GUI ppm perl module installer. (via […]

December 18, 2008

Installing Bugzilla 3.2 on RedHat/CentOS

As Justdave found (and mentioned at irc…), we can install required modules via yum like ./ –check-modules | grep install-module | grep -v — ‘–all’ | sed -e ‘s/.*module\.pl //’ -e ‘s/^/”perl\(/’ -e ‘s/$/\)”/’ | xargs yum -y install Except for module, which we require the newer version than the yum repository. For debian […]
